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Disinfector Insects destroyer infestator


DISINFECTOR (INSECTS DESTROYER) (INFESTATION DESTROYER)(ENTOLATOR) Destroy live insects,insect eggs in order to control infestation therefore prolonging flour shelf-live.www.immy.cn/ www.immyhitech.com


1. The machine comes with a dynamically balanced rotor, ensuring smooth running.
2. Welded steel housing and anti-wear components are adopted for this equipment. The excellent durability leads to limited maintenance fees.
3. The impacting pins' surfaces are thermally treated to achieve desirable wear resistance.
4. The round pins and square pins are optional for different passing properties and impact intensities.
5. Small area is needed for the installation of this flour-making equipment, and two installation types are optional. It can be mounted in the gravity conveying system or incorporated in the pneumatic conveying pipeline.
6. No floating dust will be generated and the repairing and operation are both very convenient.
7. A by-pass pipe and matching imported limit switch are installed. Thus when the machine stops, the mill system can continue to work.
8. The surface of the low carbon alloy steel pin, after being treated with nitriding and carbonization techniques, has become quite anti-wear.

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Wuxi Hasen Import And Export Co.,Ltd

Contact:Amina Zhu



Add:#68,Xindongan Rd,Xinwu Distt,Wuxi,Jiangsu,China 214000

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